One of the options we turn to in certain situations is heat pump installation. While this isn’t the ideal choice for every application, we know it to be a viable solution to consider in a number of cases. One important thing to note is that today’s heat pumps are more efficient than those manufactured just a few years ago, especially when the heat pump installation has been performed accurately and the proper adjustments made. With our many years of experience, you can be sure that if we recommend a heat pump for your business, it is because we are confident it is your best option and we’ll install it for optimal performance and efficiency. In addition to heat pump installation, we also service and repair heat pumps, so if you are experiencing less-than-acceptable performance from your equipment, give us a call, and we’ll send someone out to diagnose the problem and provide you with the best solution.

Discover Why Heat Pump Installation Is The Way To Go

Heat Pump Installation

Unless your home already has the necessary ductwork in place, heat pumps are a fast, cost-effective way to keep your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Furnaces and boilers tend to use complex systems to deliver heat to every room in the house. Heat pumps skip this step and are usually installed in a living room or bedroom.

Heat pump installation consists of an indoor unit, outdoor condenser and lines that connect the two. The outdoor condenser draws in air and pushes it to the indoor unit. The indoor unit converts the air into either cold or hot and distributes it to the room. It’s important to note that heat pumps are great for spot heating and cooling in well-insulated homes. They are noticeably more energy efficient since they don’t heat or cool the entire home – meaning that only enough energy is used to control the temperature of the room it’s currently occupying. This is a solid option if you’re looking to heat or cool an older home without the appropriate ductwork to support a central furnace or air conditioner. However, even though this system is easier to install than a central one, an experienced professional should always perform your heat pump installation to ensure safety and keep your warranty intact.

Heat Pump Maintenance 2

With more than 30 years of experience serving Toronto and the GTA, rest assured there is nothing our team hasn’t seen, maintained, or repaired when it comes to HVAC. That includes everything from heat pump installation to annual maintenance appointments for water heaters, and everything in between.

Give us a call at 1800-263-1709 and let us know how we can help you. Our team is always more than happy to assess your situation, answer your questions, and dispatch a technician to handle the repairs, maintenance or installation. After all, we know the value in being there for our customers, which is one of the reasons we’ve been around for so long. At Ductless Air, our goal is to put you first, every time.